Manganese Citation Cancellation
The company no longer has levels of manganese above the
secondary drinking water standard.
(Click the link above to learn more.)
Hydrant Flushing on Tuesday, March 18th, from 9 am to 1 pm. For Woodland Ave, Emma Lane, Oak Ct, French Ct, and Menalto Ave (from 1908 to 1932).
Water Conservation Regulations - July 2023
Shutoff and Flushing Notices
Water Storage Tank and New Manganese Treatment Plant
Important Notices
O'Connor Tract Co-Operative Water Company
Serving Portions of Menlo Park and East Palo Alto
O’Connor Tract Co-operative Water Company is a non-profit organization founded on January 31, 1921, to supply water to certain areas of East Palo Alto and Menlo Park. The Company serves 343 connections, of which 37 are metered apartments and condo complexes. In total, the Company serves water to about 3,000 people. Here is a map of the service area.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Why is the water in a drinking glass sometimes white?
The cold water being pumped up by the well pumps holds more dissolved oxygen than the warmer water being pumped into our distribution system. Pressurized water holds more oxygen than non-pressurized water. When the warmer, non-pressurized water is released into the atmosphere, the dissolved oxygen comes out of solution in the form of bubbles. more...